‘How to be an Effective Ally’ Workshops
Credit Naa Akua
TEDxSeattleSalon: Driving Inclusivity with Anastacia-Renee
It’s amazing when you dream big and then it happens. 20 months ago when I was meeting with my architect Marvin Yamaguchi and space designer Theresa Benny I was sharing with them that I wanted our Lake Union location to be designed with the possibility of holding a TED type of event.
Fall 2018: How To Be An Effective Ally - Literary Arts
October 20, 2018 Saturday 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Instructor: Anastacia Renee For writers at all levels Limited to 10 students Class meets at Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington How can your writing help individuals who are systemically and subconsciously racially targeted or consistently being treated unfairly? Navigate the path to a better understanding of ally-ship
Have you witnessed someone being discriminated against or treated with disrespect, and wish you knew how to be a stronger advocate, an ally? Join Anastacia-Renee in a conversation and sermon around effective ally-ship for a better understanding of how to navigate this path. Anastacia-Renee is a writer, TEDx Speaker, Deep End Podcast co-host and interdisciplinary artist. The recipient of the ...
Anastacia Reneé: "How to Be an Effective Ally" | Her Campus
“I want you all to judge me.” Anastacia Reneé stood powerfully on the small stage in Seattle’s Gay City venue, beginning her Tuesday-night workshop of how to be an effective ally in the most unexpected way: daring each of the twenty-something audience members to make judgments on her based upon her appearance.